Tarpon are one of the most challenging and rewarding game fish to catch. They are known for their acrobatic jumps and incredible strength. Tarpon can be caught from late spring through early fall, with peak season typically in the summer months. Top-water plugs, swimbaits, and soft plastics are popular lure selections for catching Tarpon.
- Rod: Heavy Line: 50-80LB
- Artificial Lures: Top-water plugs, Swimbaits, Jigs, Soft plastics
- Live Bait: Crabs, Pinfish, Threadfin Herring
Gulf of Mexico Fish Species
Gulf of Mexico Tarpon Fishing Videos

Tampa Florida's Skyway Bridge Fishing Pier Join us as we team up with GrouperMVP, The Ballyhoop Net and the…

Catching Pass Crabs for Tarpon Season Welcome to another thrilling adventure with Captain Randall and his crew, where we're…

Gulf of Mexico: Inshore Fishing Gulf Coast fish species and habitats. Discover the Thrill of Inshore Fishing in the…

How to Catch Tarpon in Tampa Florida Learn about how to catch the Silver King, aka Tarpon in Tampa…

Catching Giant Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande Florida, the team sets out to catch the Silver King. Fishing for Giant…

Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande Florida EP 7