Florida Grouper Fishing | Catching Grouper in the Gulf

Florida’s Fall Shallow Water Grouper Fishing

Deep dive plug trolling is a top technique for landing these prized fish. In this guide, we’ll provide practical advice for your fall Gag Grouper fishing trips.

About Gag Grouper:

Gag Grouper are known for their delicious meat and strong fights. They prefer rocky bottoms, making deep dive plug trolling an effective method.

Gear and Tackle for Florida Grouper:

Rods and Reels:

Choose medium to heavy trolling rods with strong reels.

Lines and Leaders:

Opt for 50-80 lb braided lines and add a 60-100 lb fluorocarbon leader.

Deep Dive Plugs:

Use trolling-specific lures with realistic colors and rattles.


Consider using downriggers for depth control, especially in deep waters.

Watch Video: Trolling for Fall Grouper

Location and Timing for Fall Grouper:

Fall Grouper Migration:

Target Gag Grouper in October when they move to shallower waters.

Grouper Hotspots:

Focus on natural and artificial reefs, shipwrecks, and underwater structures.

Grouper Regulations:

Always check local fishing regulations and bag limits.

Catching Grouper

Grouper Fishing Trolling Techniques:

Trolling Speed:

Maintain a speed of 2-4 knots to mimic prey movement.

Depth Control:

Use downriggers, diving planers, or lead core lines.


Experiment with lure colors and sizes to find what works.

Stay Alert:

Be ready to set the hook when you feel a bite or see your rod bend.

Safety and Conservation:

Safety First:

Ensure safety equipment, including life jackets and communication devices.

Catch and Release:

Release undersized or over-limit Gag Grouper to support conservation efforts.

Deep dive plug trolling in fall is an exciting way to catch Gag Grouper along Florida’s coast. Plan your trip, follow regulations, and use the right gear and techniques for Florida Grouper fishing success.

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