Familiarize yourself with the proper way to locate and catch scallops. Look for their telltale fan-shaped shells and gently scoop them up with your hands or a dip net.
Always use a dive flag to signal your presence to boaters and stay within 300 feet of the flag. Be mindful of boats and other watercraft/ Divers in the area.
Preserve theEnvironment:
Respect the marine life and ecosystem by not touching or disturbing other wildlife, corals, or seagrasses. Leave no trash behind.
Scallop SizeLimits
Only harvest scallops that meet the size requirements. The current size limit is usually between 2 and 2.5 inches.
Catch Limits
Stick to the daily bag limit of scallops per person.Bag limit is 2 gallons of whole scallops per person or 1 pint of meat per person.
Bring a Cooler with Ice
Keep your scallops fresh by placing them in a cooler with ice as soon as you catch them.
Cleaning Scallops:
When you're done scalloping, clean your catch thoroughly and discard the shells in designated areas.